德國M&C氣體分析儀 M&C液體分析儀 M&C流量計 M&C采樣探頭 M&C氣體預處理 德國M&C分析儀器在冶金、有色金屬等行業享有盛譽。PMA磁氧傳感器精度高、響應快、漂移小,SP探頭適用于在高粉塵、高溫度、高濕度等工況中進行氣體的正常連續采樣;氣體預處理單元能獨立處理氣體并長期穩定工作。應用實例:冶金業--轉爐煤氣回收一氧化碳、氧氣分析控制系統;電捕焦油氧氣分析系統,高爐煤氣總管分析系統,高氧、微量氧分析系統,焦爐煤氣分析系統,電除塵前后分析系統,高爐噴煤氧氣分析系統;有色金屬業:焙燒爐煙道氣分析系統,焙燒爐尾氣分析系統;代表型號:CG-2M、FP-240-D/F、VC-2-SL、PMA-50-EX/P/PD、PSS-10/11、EC-2-G/PV/SS、SP2000-H/DIL、MP06/MP12、CSS-M/W…
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH produces and markets components for gas analysis technique, emission control, process analysis, process gas analysis, stack gas monitoring, sample gas conditioning and sample gas preparation. In the product catalogue you can find paramagnetic oxygen analyser, gas sample probes, sample gas cooler, sample gas chiller, peltier gas cooler, thermoelectric cooler, thermoelectric chiller, compressor gas cooler, compressor gas chiller, sample gas filter, corrosion resistant flowmeter, diaphragm pumps, gas pumps, burner air conditionings, gas conditioning systems, sample tubes, sample probe, heated sample lines, temperature controller, dilution units, preseperator, gas seperator, gas precooler, products for condensate removal and condensate draining, drainer, compact gas conditioning units, liquid alarm sensor, products for flow control, corrosion resistant valves, heated valves, heated connectors, corrosion resistant hoses, heated protection enclosures, heated components, heated gas conditioning systems, explosion proof oxygen analyser, explosion proof gas sample probes, gas analysis systems, explosion proof gas analysis systems, dilution air clean up systems, ultra pure air generator, sonic nossle dilution systems, gas dryer, heated sample pumps, nox converter, no2 converter, nh3 converter, hydrophobic membrane filter, coalescing filter, acid mist filter, freezer cooler, acid dew point solutions, nh3 scrubber, heated flow meter, heated rotameter, heated filter, heated sample lines, hgcl2 converter, mercuric chloride converter, gas converter, products for inert atmosphere control, scr sampling systems, mercury sampling systems, fgd gas sampling systems, wet scrubber gas sampling systems, portable gas sampling systems, compact gas sampling systems, emissions sampler, gas conditioner, vehicle exhaust gas sampler and fuel cell sampling equipment.