美國STOCKERYALE光纖解調儀 STOCKERYALE光纖傳感器STOCKERYALE光柵傳感器、STOCKERYALE溫度傳感器、STOCKERYALE光纖網絡分析儀、STOCKERYALE光柵網絡分析儀、STOCKERYALE200系列傳感分析儀 STOCKERYALE光線光柵傳感器實用化的一個關鍵就是光纖光柵的波長解調技術,也就是當STOCKERYALE傳感器環境改變時,如何準確知道光纖光柵中心波長的變化量。基于目前分布式多點測量的特點,解調儀的波長查詢范圍、精度、重復精度和掃描速度等共同決定了 FBG 傳感器的性能。 STOCKERYALE FBG溫度傳感器用于對被測物進行長期的溫度監測,廣泛應用在橋梁、大壩、海洋石油平臺、輸油輸氣管道等大型結構及建筑,及電力、軍工、消防、礦業航空航天等領域大型設施或設備的準分布式精確測溫。同時可以與無溫度補償應變傳感器配合使用,以消除應變傳感器的溫度效應,即進行溫度補償。具有分布式測量點多、測溫精度高、測溫范圍大、不受電磁干擾、耐腐蝕等優點。 STOCKERYALE光纖解調儀技術指標: 通道數:1, 2, 4, 8 可擴展 電源 :220VAc 每通道最大 FBG 傳感器數量 :80 接口: RS232 或 USB 波長范圍 :1525~1565nm 絕對精度: ± 5pm 動態范圍 :>50dB 分辨率: 1pm 尺寸:300x280x 105mm 典型 FBG 間隔: 0.5nm 工作溫度 :0~ 50 ℃ 光學接頭 :FC/PC 或 FC/APC 特殊參數可根據客戶要求定制 STOCKERYALE光纖傳感器技術指標: FBG 中心波長: 1525nm ~ 1565nm 光柵反射率: ≥85 % 分辨率 :0.1 ℃ 測量精度 :± 0.5 ℃ 量程 :-30 ~ + 80 ℃ 或 120 ℃ 或 200 ℃ 外形尺寸: Φ 7mm × 55mm (可定制其他尺寸) 引線類型: 左右各 0.5m ,(可定制其他尺寸)3mm 普通室內跳線,鎧裝光纜 封裝結構: 專業的防腐蝕、防潮設計
Founded in 1955 as Stocker & Yale, Inc., StockerYale introduced diverse lighting applications to the optical and metrology industries. Today, StockerYale is an independent designer and manufacturer of structured light lasers and LED modules for industry leading OEMs. StockerYale is organized into two operating segments: Laser Products Group (formerly Illumination) which includes Photonic Products modules and diodes, and LED systems. Laser Products Group We are a leading independent designer and manufacturer of configurable products for machine vision, industrial inspection, medical, military and other industrial and commercial markets utilizing laser, structured light and LED technologies. Photonic Products, Ltd. subsidiary manufactures custom designed low-cost laser modules and other electro-optical sub-assemblies and optoelectronic components based on semiconductor laser diode technology, and precision optical lenses from Panasonic to OEMs in the industrial, medical, scientific and defense markets. Photonic Products’ laser modules are complimentary to StockerYale’s Lasiris line of lasers in terms of both performance and value. Our high performance LED lighting systems provide customers with a high-intensity, long-lasting illumination source. Our LED products are designed and manufactured by StockerYale Ireland, located in Cork, Ireland. The strengths of this division include a number of proprietary LED packaging methods, as well as optical modeling and simulation know-how.