德國HUBNER編碼器、HUBNER傳感器、 HUBNER超速開關、HUBNER測速電機、HUBNER組合式編碼器、HUBNER聯軸器、HUBNER碼盤、HUBNER脈沖發生器、HUBNER力矩扶臂、HUBNER光電轉換模塊、HUBNER馬達等 德國HUBNER旋轉編碼器測量長度角度,已經使用了幾十年,其技術已經相當成熟,而絕對型旋轉光電編碼器,因其每一個位置絕對唯一、抗干擾、無需掉電記憶,已經越來越廣泛地應用于各種工業系統中的角度、長度測量和定位控制。 從HUBNER接近開關、HUBNER光電開關到HUBNER旋轉編碼器:工業控制中的定位,HUBNER接近開關、HUBNER光電開關的應用已經相當成熟了,而且很好用,F場安裝的方便和安全、長壽:拳頭大小的一個旋轉編碼器,可以測量從幾個μ到幾十幾百米的距離,n個工位,只要解決一個旋轉編碼器的安全安裝問題,可以避免諸多接近開關、光電開關在現場機械安裝麻煩,容易被撞壞和遭高溫、水氣困擾等問題。由于是光電碼盤,無機械損耗,只要安裝位置準確,其使用壽命往往很長。 多功能化:除了定位,還可以遠傳當前位置,換算運動速度,HUBNER編碼器對于變頻器,步進電機等的應用尤為重要。經濟化:對于多個控制工位,只需一個旋轉編碼器的成本,以及更主要的安裝、維護、損耗成本降低,使用壽命增長,其經濟化逐漸突顯出來。 HUBNER編碼器代表型號: POG 10 D 1024 1439410,OG 9 D 1000 I 1266118 1023968,POG 9 DN 1024 HOG 10 D 1024 I 1306864,POG 9 DN 1024 I + FSL 1431332,POG 9 D 500 1472831, HOG 10 D 1024 I 1590916 1306893 1277087 1321374 1306828 1306857 1277084,TDP 0.2LT-4 + OG 9 D 300 I 1051711、POG-、TDP-、HOG-、TDPS-、TDPZ-、HDP-、FOG-、PF-、OG-、T701DG-、HEAG-、K-、TRP-、FSL-、AMP-、PMG-、HMG11-、HMG161-、GTB-、EExOG9-、EExHOG161-、EExGP-、EExME12-、AG-、GT-、GTF-、FSL-、HEAO-、MP-、C-FGH 6KK-、FGH-、HTL-、GTR-、AMG10-、AMG11-、AMG75-、AMG81-、AFE-、SP-、AS-、PHF-、DS-、DSL-、G-、ES-、ESH-、ESL-、APY-、GMP-、GMPZ-、HML-、MHG-、OGS-、HOGS-、EGS14-、AGS14-、MHGS150-、MHG400-、MHGA400-、ACC-、ME11-、HEK8-、HENQ1100-、
Magnetic Rotary Encoders for Heavy Duty ApplicationsIn the field of drive engineering, measured value acquisition poses increasingly difficult challenges when it comes to dynamics and precision. These two generally conflicting requirements are difficult to unite when using conventional rotary encoders. If, in addition, sensors need to be robust enough to be used in the toughest operating environments, new solutions and approaches are required. For applications like these, Baumer Hübner, a German-based company specializing in rotary encoders, produces robust, specially engineered encoders, that use a magnetic sensing method, combined with complex interpolation and evaluation electronics. These enable position, speed and other variables like acceleration to be measured synchronously, and deliver both high-dynamic and high-resolution readings. The encoder rotor can be supplied with a diameter of up 800 mm and can be screw-mounted straight onto a drive shaft or attached with a clamping ring or clamping fixture. Encoder rotor and dedicated sensing head are of short axial length and can be adapted easily to existing fittings. Thanks to the interpolation electronics, measured value acquisition can be customized across a wide range in line...