鋼絲繩 Wire & Rope
Brugg Wire Rope Inc.下屬于BRUGG集團控股公司,是全球主要的專業電梯鋼絲繩生產商之一。公司自1896年創立以來,一直把為客戶提供高質量的產品和服務作為公司理念,因而在全球不斷贏得廣泛的信譽,已成為世界幾大電梯制造商的首選配套產品。如瑞士Schindler、 美國Otis、德國Thyssen等。同時我們也為Kone、Fujitec、三菱等電梯公司提供高質量的鋼絲繩。BRUGG鋼絲繩也隨著這些名牌電梯遍布世界各地,出現在那些著名的標志性建筑中, 如美國紐約時代廣場的Marriott Marquise Hotel、新加坡Petronas塔、中國上海東方明珠塔等。BRUGG電梯鋼絲繩的主要產品型號有8×19 Seale-BRUGG(劍麻纖維芯)、Sc8-BRUGG(鋼芯)、Dp9-BRUGG(聚丙稀纖維芯)、HRS-BRUGG(鋼芯)。
Welcome to Brugg Elevator Hoisting North America's source for superior elevator ropes and hoisting accessories. Brugg Wire Rope, LLC NA stands alone in the Western Hemisphere as the only company that designs, manufacturers and provides products solely dedicated to the elevator hoisting industry. From facilities in Rome, GA USA we create and exhaustively test our products in order to provide elevator professionals with superior solutions for all their needs. While others may produce hoist ropes and other accessories as a sideline, only Brugg focuses its full resources upon offering solutions and materials to help professionals do their job more efficiently, productively and profitably. Here you may review a wealth of informational materials or you can easily download pages from our online catalog, "Elevator Hoisting Solutions", located in our Products section. Should you have a request, or require a novel engineering solution, you may address your query to a Brugg service representative here and they will respond back to you quickly. From Hoist Ropes (featuring both Point Contact and Parallel designs) to a wide variety of elevator hoisting products, BWR has become the source the industry turns to for innovation, service and information. Instead of aiming to be the biggest we aspire to be the smartest. And while that means we won't offer every product, what you will find in our catalog delivers true advantages in quality and fills your needs better than the rest.